Free Resource: 50 First Words Tracker
We know that teachers and parents are always looking for free printable resources to use in ABA therapy with their kids. This resource is a printable language tracker to be used with early learners in ABA. It includes a list of fifty first words that are perfect targets to start an ABA verbal language program. They are divided into five categories:
- 15 Food Items
- 15 Household Items
- 10 Animals
- 5 Toys
- 5 Clothing Item
Each item then has a column for receptive identification (listener responding) and expressive identification (tacting).
How to Use
The Language Tracker is divided into 50 rows of nouns and five columns. To use this tool, simply mark down the date that the child masters the target skill. Here is an explanation of each column:
- Receptive ID – Student can identify picture by pointing within an array of 3 or more cards.
- Expressive ID – Student can identify picture verbally or by using an alternative means of communication (e.g., PECS, iPad, etc.)
- Feature/Function/Class – Student can identify picture by associated features, functions, or classes.
Example of Completed Language Tracker
Once a child has demonstrated mastery for a specific noun within a given skill, you can mark the date of mastery on the sheet. This will then become a useful resource to ensure maintenance of acquired skills.
Additional Resources
If you are looking for flashcards to help teach your student these early words, we published a set of 150 flash cards that go along with this 50 First Words Language Tracker. There are three examples of each noun to promote generalization. Click to learn more about our First Nouns Language Learning Picture Flash Cards.