Summer Activities for Kids to Help Their Development
Summer can be a trying time as a parent. Outside of sending your kids to camp, it can be hard to know what activities you can fill their days with. But there’s more to summer fun than time by the pool! An educational scavenger hunt or community volunteering can be a great way to seize the day and learn a little. If you’re looking for an inspiring season for your little one, the following summer activities for kids are a good start.
Do a Scavenger Hunt
Summer is perfect for getting outdoors and teaching your children more about their surroundings. For one of the best free learning activities for kids, head to the park to spot flowers and vegetation. Bring a book or use a plant-identifying app to discover native species. Knowing more about nature can help your children become stewards of the local environment! And, if they find a plant they love and want to talk about it with others, it can even help them develop their social skills.
Learn With Chores
Taking out the garbage or dusting may not be among the most fun learning activities for kids. However, there are certain chores around the house that can make them feel like a part of the family. For example, you may want to have your child help with the preparations for lunch or dinner. Depending on their age, they’ll be able to assist with different tasks. This can help them learn life skills like using kitchen appliances or following the instructions for a recipe.
Choose a Volunteer Activity
Volunteer work can be one of the best learning activities for kids to get them engaged locally. Whether it’s working with an environmental organization or the local food bank, you can tap into your child’s interests. It will help them build confidence and may even help them find a new passion. Your child can also learn to have empathy for other community members and may even become a lifelong volunteer!
Start a Journal
If your child is a conscientious student, summer learning activities like writing can help them stay on the ball. Instead of leaving it until fall, get the words flowing! Have them write postcards to their friends about their summer adventures. Or maybe they’ll want to start a journal where they can write down their daily activities and thoughts. Whatever they do, it can help to focus their attention and spark creativity for other projects.
Raise a Reader
Summer may be more lackadaisical, but just because you’re doing a leisure activity doesn’t mean you can’t build in learning! Try setting aside a half an hour each day for your kids to do some reading. If they’re not of reading age yet, you can read to them instead. Sites like Newsela even offer great summer learning activities for elementary students where they can practice reading the news. It’s easy to filter by grade so what they read is age appropriate and relevant.
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Boost Everyday Activities
A meaningful learning experience doesn’t have to be out of the ordinary. Instead, consider adding a little educational boost to summer learning activities! For example, if you’re driving somewhere, ask your child to list off all the pine trees or round things or blue cars they see. Or, have them search for specific numbers and letters as you go. This can help to develop their number and words skills, and assist them in using their attention and memorization abilities.
Education World. 25 Activities to Keep Kids’ Brains Active in Summer. https://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/profdev073.shtml
Reading Rockets. Get Ready for Summer! Ideas for Teachers to Share with Families. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/get-ready-summer-ideas-teachers-share-families
Ages and Stages Questionnaires. 7 Things to Do This Summer to Boost Your Child’s Development. https://agesandstages.com/7-things-to-do-this-summer-to-boost-your-childs-development/